You guys have no idea how much I missed writing reviews! I finally managed to finish
Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck. I think it took me two weeks to finish reading this. Not that it was awful or anything. On the contrary it's as awesome as the first. I just couldn't squeeze it in since my schedule has been pretty tight recently. Anyhoo, the story picks up a few months after the events from the first novel took place.

And I'm so sorry for being too lazy to actually take a picture of my paperback. Haha. Anyhow, this would be a quick and rushed review since I still have to go to work in about two hours but don't worry I'll try to make sense of whatever it is I'm trying to say. So to start with, I had mixed feelings with regards to Kelsey on this one. I really have no idea why she's acting the way she is. I know she's in love with Ren and everything but why does she have the urge to actually entertain the possibility of having Kishan as her other half as well. I feel like she's using the brothers as the heir and the spare which is a bit disappointing for some reason. I really feel like both brothers deserve to have their happy endings and Kishan definitely does not deserve to be the spare if ever Ren is not at her disposal. Anyhow, I have this love-hate relationship with Kelsey right now. My heart did go out to her towards the latter part of the book.
Moving on to the brothers, Ren and Kishan, for some reason I had a very hard time deciding who I should side with. Haha. I like them both and my dilemma is who should end up with who. Everything is very unpredictable at this point. I really hope the get their happy endings. I think both of them deserve to be happy. I can assure you one thing though both guys are definitely swoon-worthy.
Overall, I must say that I still enjoyed reading this even if Kelsey did manage to annoy me from time to time. I think she's very lucky to have both brothers at her disposal. Both of them love her and I think she should just let go of the other one if he doesn't have a chance at all. No one deserves to be the spare. The mix of the romance with the adventure aspect of the novel allowed me to enjoy it even more. I think this deserves another 5/5 stars. Well done Colleen Houck.