I started reading Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler yesterday and finished it a few minutes ago. And I have to admit that I truly enjoyed reading this. Probably more than Twenty Boy Summer since that one had sad undertones beneath its awesome exterior. Anyway, the novel's main protagonist is called Hudson and the entire novel is told in her POV.
I do have to admit something here, the cover is what sealed the deal for me to get this book. Yes, I am a sucker for cute covers. Anyway, I really liked Hudson for some reason. I felt really bad for though since she gave up and is constantly giving up a lot of things because she wanted to make sure everyone around her was happy. No one even bothered to ask her what she wanted and when she suddenly decided to go after what she wants almost everyone around her decides that she's just being selfish. Anyway, I just felt bad for her. I didn't really like her mom that much since I felt like she kept on dictating what she should and should not do and didn't even bother to ask her daughter what she wanted. And don't get me started on her best friend, Dani, who was just so jealous of her and suddenly decided to drop dead on their so called friendship. Other than that I really liked the novel and Hudson.
Moving on to the two boys in her life, Will and Josh. My head spun around these two. I really liked them both and I think both of them were kinda' good for Hudson even if one of them had a hidden agenda but other than that I think Will and Josh helped her grow. I especially liked her interactions with Josh. Obviously, I'm on Josh's side at this point. I don't know. There's just something about him and Hudson that just pulled me in. They made me feel giddy with their subtle flirting or whatever it is that you'd want to call it.
Overall, I am so glad that I had this book reserved at Fullybooked. It was definitely worth reading. I enjoyed every bit of it even if I didn't really connect with some of the characters. And that's probably because I disliked them quite a bit. I really liked Hudson's little brother, Bug. He was just so adorable and he's very smart too for his age. Kara, Hudson's ex-best friend confused me at the beginning but I really started to warm up to her towards the end. She meant well it's just that Hudson never really gave her a chance. I think that's the problem with Hudson though. she refuses to let other people explain. I think she prefers hiding rather than facing the truth head on. Anyway, the writing style is awesome, no dull moments whatsoever and cutesy cupcake references at the beginning of each chapter just made my mouth water. I'd probably try making some of those right now. Honestly, I judged this book by its cover and I'm so glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed this. It's a fun, quirky and light read that I wouldn't mind reading again and again.
Rating: 5/5 stars