Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stacking the Shelves #15

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, which is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in a physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or from the library, review books and of course ebooks!
I only got one book this week since I still have a ton of reading from my previous hauls. Plus, I've been really busy at work since I got rotated to another floor I didn't really have the time to go out and get some books but I did manage to order some from The Book Depository.
The Goddess Inheritance (The Goddess Test #3) by Aimee Carter

I got an ebook as well from the author, Bella Forrest. She messaged me through  my Goodreads account and asked me if I wanted to review her book. Thanks Bella!

A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire #1) by Bella Forrest

So, what did you guys get?


  1. I still haven't read The Goddess Test series, but I know a lot of people rave about it! Hope work gets less hectic for you! Have a great week!!

    My Stack

    1. I hope so too. Thank you. It's an awesome series. I hope you get to read it soon. :)

  2. Oooh I loved The Goddess Test, so I really hope that one's just as good! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my STS!

    1. It is. It's probably one of the best conclusions I've read so far.

  3. I still need to read The Goddess Test series, I've heard they're amazing! :D

    Enjoy your new book!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

    1. It is an amazing series. Enjoy your haul as well. :)

  4. DUN DUN DUN! It's The Goddess Inheritance! I haven't read this series, but I hope you enjoy this conclusion! This one is the last one, right? I wouldn't know lol :)

    Here is my STS post!

    1. I did enjoy this. It's an awesome book I swear. :)

  5. I haven't read The Goddess Test series. I do want to. I've heard pretty good things, and I like the Persephone tale.

    Happy reading :)

    1. Oh if you like Persephone's tale then you should definitely read this series and the Goddess Legacy anthology.

  6. I havent read The Goddess Test yet.. Is it really good? I'm waiting for my friend to finish reading it to tell me her opinion :)
    Stacking the Shelves

  7. It's quite good actually. You can read my review by clicking on the title of the book. :)

  8. Fabulous books...enjoy! Here's my haul:

    New follower...follow back?

  9. A Shade of Vampire sounds good. And I cannot wait to read the rest of The Goddess Test series - I loved book one!

    1. Book 3 is even more awesome. Haven't started A Shade of Vampire though. :)
