Sunday, January 8, 2012


As I’ve said on my previous review, I have finished Clockwork Prince already and I think I owe this one a decent review too since I liked it that much. Again, the story centers around Downworlder Tessa Gray and Shadowhunters Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs.

I actually love this novel more than I loved the first one and I’ve already given 5/5 stars to the first one. haha. Anyway, it takes off after the events from Clockwork Angel. I love the way Ms. Clare writes. There are times when sequels ruin the entire series for me but this one did not. It actually made me crave for the third book which will be out later on this year BTW. 

Anyway, a lot of questions were answered in this book. And one of them is Why does Will act like a prick? haha. And I must say that part made me teary eyed. I ache for Will and I love him even more because of it. He’s a really good person and I think he deserves to be happy. And his letter at the end made me want to give him a hug. Oh yeah, I got the first print edition so I also have a copy of his letter to his family on his birthday. I liked Will more in this novel more than I did in the first one. He seemed more human even though he still acted like he didn’t give a care in the world.

What can I say about Tessa though? Hmm. I liked her here as well. She did have her typical heroine attitude I-can’t-decide-between-these-two-boys-because-I-want-them-both-and-they-want-me but then again, I think she was gutsy enough to choose in the end. Even though I still have this feeling that she hasn’t actually made her final decision yet. But still I think that took a lot of guts. We’ll see in the last book though.

Jem as always is flawless in this book. And it’s actually good to see his wild side in this novel. haha. Just read it. I don’t want to spoil anyone.

Ms. Clare did not fail to make me hungry for the third and last installment as always. I love the way she wrote this book. The cliffhangers weren’t as annoying as cliffhangers should be. It didn’t actually leave me saying WTF?! It just made me want to read Clockwork Princess ASAP! I’d give this a 5/5 star rating again. If only I could give a 10/5 I would!

Clockwork Princess please hurry up!


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